We are accepting submissions for Christian fiction and nonfiction adult books. Please see the submission guidelines below for specific rules to formatting a manuscript before submitting.
- Use a 1″ margin on all sides.
- Use a title page, set up the same as the title page in your package.
- Don’t number the title page. Begin numbering with the first page of the text of the book.
- Use a header on each page, including your name, the title of your novel and the page number.
- Start each new chapter on its own page, one-third of the way down the page.
- The chapter number and chapter title should be in all caps.
- Begin the body of the chapter four lines below the chapter title.
- Indent fives spaces for each new paragraph.
- Double-space the entire text.
- Use a standard font, 12-point type. Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier is fine.
- Use 20-lb. bond paper.
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